Cruising Tips

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Manhasset at a free town mooring

Hook Mt Anchorage
A rising sun presents Hook Mt in a stunning view and one of the reasons we like the anchorage so much. We weighed anchor and headed south, gradually picking up a favorable current. Unfortunately, the current was so good that we reached the entrance to the East River ahead of schedule and faces a foul tide, 2 to 3 kts against us. Nevertheless we trudged on as the summer heat waves set in. It was 95 in the cockpit with all the side curtains up. As we cleared Hell Gate, Ann got Sarah at the helm and taught her about steering the boat. She is 9 years old and is sailing with us this summer on our cruise through Long Island Sound. She wanted to add to the Fleetwing blog in her own words:

Ahoy there its me i went sailing in new york city.the waves were rough and was so big all the things fell off the table.also i saw the statue of liberty it was big.we went under lots of bridges.also i sterred the boat under a bridge and through the sea.we haved anchor the boat and i turned off the boat too.matt and gandpa went to shore to get dinner.after dinner we are going to watch a movie i am watching pink panther it is funny with hoolie.

She had fun, a real sailor in the family. Eventually we did catch the tide and reached Manhasset around 3:45, taking up one of the 20 free moorings put out by the town to attract visiting boaters - so they will stop and perhaps patronize the local businesses. By all accounts it is working since they doubled the number of moorings from 10 to 20 this past year. One would wish that other communities would learn the same lesson (hint -> Cuttyhunk).

A very hot sunset at Manhasset!
As soon as we got on a mooring, I started the genset and ran the A/C so everyone could cool off. It's 10:00 pm now and the temperature has only dropped to 79F. It will be another warm night since we don't run the A/C at night.

On Monday we're headed for Northport and the anchorage by Sand City. We're hoping for cooler weather but at least the kids can play off the sandy beach.

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