Cruising Tips

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Branford - We Go to Lenny's

I think Ann is in her element - in Fleetwing's main cabin
ahoy there is me sarah! i have awoken and nana have walked hoolie and mommy ,daddy and natalie are coming to see us! they are here! we also saw cody our dog,we got ready to go swimming in the pool i showed daddy, mommy and natalie the breast stroke,the back stroke and freestyle.then went to get lunch we   had delicious sandwichs mommy made us then went back to the pool to do more swimming, but had to go back  because there was a thunder storm so we went back to the back to the boat. now were going to lenny`s to  get dinner i was stuff! we are now going to watch a movie!

The rest of the crew arrived today and the kids and Philip headed for the pool while we provisioned for the rest of the trip at the local Stop and Shop Supermarket. You can see from Sarah's blog what interests the kids. The marina has cable TV, 126 channels, which provides evening entertainment. So with a pool, TV, internet access for iPads and laptops and best of all just being together, it's a great weekend that all look forward to each year.

Lenny's - still the best
We had heard from some that Lenny's was not as good as in the past but you couldn't prove it by our experience tonight, it was as good as ever but the prices had gone up. We arrived at 5:00 and had plenty of empty tables to chose from but by 6:00, every table was taken and people were waiting in line. It's still the best fried clams we're ever had.

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