Cruising Tips

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Solomons Island - At anchor

"Come on, what's keeping you..."  Notice one in front and one in back
We had expected to  be here until Friday or Saturday but suddenly the weather forecasts have changed so it looks like we will have a window to leave on Wednesday, but you never know with the weather. The small craft advisory is still in effect but due to expire tonight along with the high winds. If nothing else on this trip, we've learned not to depend on forecasts more than 1 day old. So, on Wednesday morning we'll check the current weather and what the weatherman thinks will happen, toss the dice and see what to do. As it stands now, we'll probably leave for Rhode River.

There are two birds here - later doing what birds do in the spring...
Meanwhile we just enjoyed the anchorage which is so far back into the river that we didn't feel any of the 20 to 30 kt winds out on the Chesapeake (or the 5 ft waves either!) It's all supposed to subside by Wednesday, we'll see.

Ann started a new pastel and I installed a new cockpit light and got a few things at the nearest convenience market - so we're ready to depart. If all goes to plan, we could be home before the Anchors Aweigh party at the PYC but I wouldn't count on it - the weather being what it is. We go when we can, no pushing.

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