Cruising Tips

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Atlantic City - We visit the boardwalk

Incoming waves at Atlantic City - sigh....
We took advantage of the $0.75 per ride cost on the Jitneys and visited the boardwalk today. It's a wild ride over there. The Jitneys are mostly privately owned and they are paid based on the number of passengers they pick up. Therefore, they do as fast as possible to pick up as many customers as they can to maximize their revenue. Speed bumps - what speed bumps! Curves? No problem, just go slow enough so the Jitney doesn't turn over, otherwise, full speed ahead. They don't crash since that would also impact profits - but they do get there in a hurry.

One of two Vickings being delivered, somebody has money
We got off at Caesar's Palace and walked through the casino to the pier with many stores and a nice lunch type restaurant on the third floor. Caesar's is the best kept casino we've seen so far. Ann likes to look through the stores on the pier and we both like to see what's happening out on the ocean where we hope to go someday...  We watched the "Dancing Waters" display (see video) and went for lunch upstairs. The waves are still coming in pretty good (see video). We met one couple that had stayed at Cape May long enough to get bored and set out for Atlantic City this morning. They encountered 5 to 7 ft waves along the way and are not eager to set out again in conditions like that! We certainly are not about to endure such tossing about and will be waiting for calmer weather.

This  boat will pass by PYC in a few days going north

So in the afternoon it was upstairs again by the pool and then down for Happy Hour in the Chart House for 1/2 price drinks and appetizers. There are certainly worse places to be stuck waiting for weather but we'd rather be moving north. Returning to the boat we met a Beneteau powerboat team making the Loop. We got T-shirts from them and alerted them to wave to PYC as they pass by the club, probably in a couple of days given their cruising speed at 20 kts! All this time we look at the weather reports about every three hours! Saturday looks like a maybe, Sunday is more probable and Monday is even more probable. It all depends on one's tolerance for wave endurance on when to go. The boat can take it fine, it's the crew that's the problem.

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