Cruising Tips

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Marathon - More wind, what else is new?

One of two dinghy docks, the other one has waves washing over it
The wind just will not let up. To watch the weather and to look ahead at predictions I rely on grib. It's a free service where you download a rather small data file and another program that will display the predictions for up to 8 days in advance in 3 hour increments overlayed on a map of your area. We've found it to be the most accurate of all the weather forecasts. There's a program you can download for a windows computer and another one for the iPad2.

Another source is the ever handy Coast Guard marine forecasts, the same ones you receive over the VHF except I get the text version over the internet which I can peruse at leisure and re-read as needed, hard to do listening over the VHF (what did he say...?)

A few clouds - entertaining
I supplement both forecasts with the wave forecasts for Key West and Miami. The Miami forecast is especially useful for the outside passage from Miami to Ft Lauderdale - whenever we get that far (May, June, anyone?)

As you know from previous posts, we prefer not to head out into 20 to 25 kt winds and the resulting waves. Behind us is okay, on the nose is no good. So far, everything would be on the nose! So here we sit until the weather changes. For a change of pace, we're renting a car on Thursday for a drive to Pennekamp Park to explore the area and a dinner out later that day.

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