Cruising Tips

Friday, February 3, 2012

Key West - Barry Cuda at BO's Fish Wagon

Barry Cuda
I installed the new Suncor anchor swivel today. The old one had one finger that chipped out, leaving the pin exposed on one side, definitely a risk. At first I just ordered a new one from Defender US but found that it did not fit 3/8" BBB since the side walls of the swivel prevented the short links of the BBB chain form engaging the pin on the swivel. After that I called Suncor to complain and furthermore, requested a replacement at no cost since they advertised a lifetime warranty. I could tell he new swivel was modified at the factory by having the inside of the side walls ground away, allowing the BBB chain to be secured. It never should have broken in the first place  but it's nice to know that companies still stand behind their product.

No shirt, no shoes, no problem! You're invited to BO's Fish Wagon
Tonight we went to BO's Fish Wagon to listen to Barry Cuda play the piano, he's there every Friday night and he's a real crowd pleaser. He's no slouch on the piano! We sat through 1.5 hours of his music and it went by in a flash. For us it was a late night, all of 8:00 before we got back to the boat! I must admit that the crowd he played to was of the older persuasion but it was great fun for us. I took several videos but I need a higher speed connection to upload them, maybe later.

I was able to upload the video Saturday morning (airwaves less crowded) Link is Barry Cuda. The video is rather dark but I wanted Sarah to see the hand action.

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