Cruising Tips

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Marathon - PYC South Meets Again

More Alligators!
Bill and Ruth McKeever also vacation in the Keys during the winter months and today we were invited for a tour of the area, dinner and a local pub for music. During the tour we visited the "Blue Hole", a fresh water pond in one of the keys that had the local, top predator, alligators. They are deceptive in that they do not appear very active -  but it's an act. They lie in wait to lull their prey closer, then they pounce surprisingly quickly. We were separated by a high fence, fine with us.

Bill and Ruth McKeever
We had Hoolie with us and the first place we tried for dinner wouldn't let us even use the outside picnic tables as long as Hoolie came along too. However, the next place was much more forgiving and Hoolie sat peacefully under the table as we ate. The weather is still warm with highs at 80 to 81 so we were in our shirtsleeves. We never had any trouble in Key West itself.

Bill took us by the campgrounds where they had their trailer. Their camper is more spacious than our boat. In their clubhouse the bar was featuring a local singer that was fun to listen to, nice on a warm night. Pleasant conversation with friends, can't be beat.

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