Cruising Tips

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Vero Beach City Marina - Marina wide happy hour

Not every boat has a partner but many do
Every Thursday there is a tradition in the marina of having Happy Hour at 4:00. Everybody comes and socializes. Ann met a couple from up the Potomac River and we're invited to drop by when we're in the area in the spring. There were a wide array of appetizers and it was BYOB policy. It's a great way to meet the boaters all around you. I would say that about 80% seem to be headed for the Bahamas, we're in the minority going to the Keys. Marsh Harbor is a popular destination in the Bahamas where you can get a dock for $0.55/ft at the monthly rate. They use the dock as a home base to explore the surrounding islands.

Humm, if you're standing by the pole, which way to go?
We were in the mid 80's today and we ran the A/C all day again - it's still on tonight. I don't remember it being this warm last year. The marina is starting to fill up as you can see from the photo of the mooring field. As I said before, when you pick up a mooring here, you may find yourself with two other boats later on. The marina reserves the right to assign up to three boats on each mooring. If you're the first one on the mooring, you're expected to put out fenders on both sides.

Today was water works day. I tried to find out why the water pressure was dropping on the boat but didn't find anything specific, more trouble shooting in the future I guess. Also had to ream out the A/C condensate overboard pump which seems to be working for now - always something. We did our final provisioning today, not much but we did get some ice cream. We found that with the latest recharge of the freezer in the fall, we can now keep ice cream firm enough for cones.

We'll leave Vero Beach on Friday and aim for our reserved slip in Stuart, our home for Fleetwing for the holidays. We plan on leaving Monday for Pennsylvania to visit Carrie. The colder weather will be a shock.

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