Cruising Tips

Friday, November 11, 2011

Vero Beach City Marina - at a dock

Back to the scene of the crime - Live Oaks and allergies - no problem in the fall
The front came through last night with winds of 20 to 25 kts between 1:00 am and 4:00 am. We were behind the breakwater of the approach to the bridge so we didn't get rollers but we got plenty of confused waters, causing the boat to bounce around a bit in the middle of the night. Still, we've grown used to boat noise and movement, at least inland, so we were able to sleep. The holding is outstanding at the anchorage, we didn't move an inch all night long. When we first set the anchor while backing up the anchor dug in at only 60 ft of rode and the boat came to a very sudden stop.

Our little sailboat looks lost
I took Hoolie ashore while Ann prepared breakfast and we got a good start south. The high today was only 66 but the sun was out and we were comfortable in the cockpit. For the rest of the week it's predicted to return to the 70's.

We are now at Vero Beach City Marina, our home for the next week. Vero is unique in the stops south in having a free bus service to anywhere within 15 miles or so of the marina. It's run by the city of Vero Beach with somewhere around 15 large, commercial buses. You can visit the beach, go to any of several shopping centers and, of course, provision at your choice of many supermarkets. The marina has both moorings and docks. Their mooring operation is also unique in that they will put up to three boats on one mooring. If you're the first boat, you are to put out fenders on both sides and the marina may assign boats to raft up with you if they fill up. It's the only marina I've ever heard of with this policy. It seems to work out okay but we took a dock this time, it's easier getting Hoolie back and forth to shore.

Part of the reason for all the high tides - that plus north winds
This is also the marina where Ann had her allergy attack last spring. We visited the local emergency room via an ambulance when Ann had trouble breathing. However, in the fall there's no problem since there's no pollen from the live oaks at that time of the year. We'll be more wary on the way back in the spring. So this week is just resting up, working some on boat projects and enjoying the warm weather before heading to Stuart and getting a car for the trip north for the holidays.

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