Cruising Tips

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pablo Marina - day two

Nice place to walk Hoolie
The forecast was for 20 to 30 kt winds which, although doable, would not have been enjoyable - especially at anchor. So for the price of $1/ft per day, we decided to just sit out another day and take it easy. So Ann prepared a cheese omelet with Don's bacon technique and sat down to read the Wall Street Journal which Ann gets every morning on her Kindle automatically via 3g. We had subscribed to the New York Times for three months but they were so biased that we just couldn't stomach it anymore and switched to the WSJ which is much more neutral. What we didn't realize at first was that the WSJ provides national news, not just financial news - a real plus.

He was around all day - liked the marina apparently
Although there's no services at the marina other than water and electricity, there's several shopping plazas a 10 min walk down the road with Food Lion, Fresh Food and Publix supermarkets along with lots of fast food restaurants and the usual associated stores that tag along. So it is possible to provision here if you don't mind a 10 min walk.

The wind met the predictions and continued all day long around 20 to 30 kts. and with no sun at all to warm up the cockpit, ugh. We are in a part of the ICW now where there are good anchorages and we intend to use them if the weather permits for the next three days before we arrive at Vero Beach for our week's stay there. Hopefully, the wind dies enough in the morning for us to have an easy exit, it's always exciting backing out of a slip with lots of wind in a narrow fairway!

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