Cruising Tips

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fernandina Harbor Marina - Day 2

Palm trees are common now
What a difference a day makes! The wind died down, the waves abated, the sun shone, the temperature reached the upper 70's. We took advantage of the good weather to tour the downtown area. Fernandina has done a major renovation downtown with many shops lining the main street and more restaurants than you can count. Of course, we found our restaurant yesterday, the Happy Tomato with their BBQ dishes.

Everybody left this morning and I thought we would be the only ones here today. Boy, was I ever wrong. The place is packed! And, we're the smallest one here!. We're between two behemoths twice our size and one on the end doubles that! These guys can dance their boats sideways to get out, we're somewhat more restricted but the captain of the boat behind us intends to leave early so we ought to be okay. It's always interesting with the current and wind and restricted space.

South complex of some type

We're headed south on Friday and the winds are due to pipe up again out of the north to 20 kts or greater at night. It's cooler too with a high of only in the 60's. The only suitable anchorage within reach is exposed to the north so we'll probably take a dock at Pablo Marine unless the forecast changes. This marina is private and they don't generally rent docks to transients but if you give them a call and ask, sometimes you can get a dock. I called last night and got a positive reply.

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