Cruising Tips

Monday, October 31, 2011

Wahoo River - at anchor

Five other boats in our anchorage - Hoolie stands guard!
From here south to St Augustine, we are mainly anchoring. In the part of the ICW north of here, there are a dearth of good anchorages but south of here there are plenty - and not many marinas. We're out in the middle of nowhere, no lights and no civilization in sight. However, the current in only 1.5 kts, a pittance compared to Edisto River, no problem. Taking Hoolie ashore is another matter. The banks of the anchorage are pure mud and Hoolie is a sight to behold coming back into the dinghy! Mud on the dinghy, mud on the floor, mud on the life jackets (mud on us!) So, we washed everything down and sort of got it clean. On Tuesday morning, we'll repeat the cleaning procedure again!

Hoolie "mud bank" is just to the left of the boat
The anchorage here is beautiful and it's full of boats. We commented last year that we seemed to be the only boat going south. This year we found out that most cruisers plan ahead and take the difficult cuts in the ICW only during a high tide. We were oblivious to that last year, what did we know? We just plowed ahead (not figuratively!) and made it through while everybody else either went earlier or later to take advantage of the high tides. This year we're in with the crowd - wiser I hope.

Tuesday it's on to Jeckyll Island and the anchorage there. They have a public dock for Hoolie relief for which we're grateful, sure makes it easier on both the dog and us!

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