Cruising Tips

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pungo River Anchorage - Day 2

The shore line for Hoolie relief - find that sand!
We had a day of bad weather, rain and wind. The wind was out of the east which is a bad direction for Zeising's anchorage so we stayed put and waited it out. With that Ann did her artwork all day and I did finances. I have almost everything on automatic payment but once in awhile you have to check up on how things are going. For us, it was an enjoyable day. We're out in the boonies, cellphone access is iffy and we're at the lowest rung of the bars for internet access but we do have it, although very slow. The last time we were at the Zeisings, we had no Verizon signal at all. If it's the same as last year, then you won't be seeing a blog update until we move on Saturday. There will still be a daily blog, it just won't be posted until then. If Verizon has since installed a new tower, then it'll be business as usual with the blog.

Done yet??
The days are getting dark early and so now we find outselves taking Hoolie into shore with less and less light at night. On tonight's trip Ann thought she heard something in the bushes and rushed Hoolie back into the dinghy. With our flashlight we look for "red eyes" which is a sign of alligators, after all we are close to the alligator river - and at the northern range of alligators, normally. Neither one of use saw anything but we hurried back to the boat anyway. Further south of here, the alligators start to be serious.

Wednesday it's off to the Zeisings and the anchorage right off their back porch, it will be good to see them again!

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