Cruising Tips

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hampton, VA - Day 2 at a dock - The Bunches visit

The Virginia Air and Space Museum - only two blocks away from the marina
Don and Liz Bunch came by to visit today and we had great fun catching up on past times. Three rounds of bridge later, it was time for wine and then dinner. There are many good restaurants in the area and our favorite is the Tap House which specializes in having 39 beers on tap. However we wanted more of a sit-down dinner so we went next door to the Conch and Bucket. Everybody liked their dinner I  guess except me, the swordfish was not fresh, oh well.

We did take advantage of Don's car for a trip to the local Walmart and did our usual reprovisioning for the next leg of our trip south. Walmarts are a cruiser's best friend, especially the ones with both groceries along with the usual Walmart offerings.

We plan on checking out the IMax offerings on Thursday at the nearby Air and Space Museum. We'll be here one more day before shoving off for the Dismal Swamp on Friday morning.

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