Cruising Tips

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Georgetown - At The Boat Shed Marina

Wine in the cockpit, a beautiful sunset and great meal, what more to ask?
Another beautiful day dawned and we headed once again down the ICW. This particular stretch of the ICW doesn't have the shallows that's on the sections ahead of us so the cruising was calm. Plus, there was only one bridge to go through it was opened on demand, no problem.

Harbor Walk in Georgetown
Gradually the ICW opened up into the Waccamaw River and the channel became very wide. We had called ahead for a dock at Georgetown since there aren't any good anchorages in the area. Besides, Georgetown is a pretty town to explore. They have a Harbor Walk and many shops in the area although most of them are closed on a Sunday. We just ate on board and relaxed to enjoy a beautiful sunset right on the boat.

Shrimp boats back after a day of fishing

On Monday we'll head through a section of the ICW that's described in the guide as "alligator infested" and pick our anchorage carefully so it's close to the sea. Alligators can't live in salt water, they lack a way to rid their bodies of excess salt. Crocodiles, on the other hand, can rid their bodies of salt by shedding tears (Crocodile tears!), alligators can't. Still, it pays to be wary at night in the dark when we take Hoolie ashore at a deserted anchorage out in the boonies.

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