Cruising Tips

Friday, October 28, 2011

Edisto Creek - At anchor

Ann's sunrise photo
I'm glad we came through this area during high tide! We passed through one section that was only 5 ft at low tide, certainly some nervous time if we had to pass through then. However, we had a high tide of 7 ft and all was calm on the passage.

We anchored at Edisto Creek which we chose because of the public boat dock which allows easy access for taking Hoolie ashore. Otherwise, it's mud time getting ashore, not fun. Coming back to the boat, we noticed that it had moved. The wind was against the tide and the boat was sideways to the 2.5 kt current and producing quite a wake in the water. The rode was wrapped around the keel and with the rocking of the boat, it was too much in the 10 ft water for the anchor. So we hauled anchor and went to deeper water and had no further trouble. One has to pay more attention to the direction of the tide and wind and put out more rode, I only had 60 ft out, too little for the conditions.

Heaven for us - a dock for Hoolie!
We are out in the boonies for real here, no lights at all. Except, as we were having our wine in the cockpit we saw another boat approach and turn to anchor far to the east of us - fine we thought - but then he thought better of that and headed straight for us! There's not another boat for miles around but he thought a spot right next to us would be perfect!! Why, are we a magnet?? There's tons of room and here are two boats with a couple hundred feet of each other. I'll never understand that psychology - why so close?? Has it ever happened to you?

Saturday we're headed for Skull Creek marina for a day and more shallows along the way but we've timed ourselves so we'll have a high tide to help us along.

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