Cruising Tips

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stonington - At anchor

There are fishing fleets at Stonington - And an excellent fish market!
We were trying to chose between going to Block Island or Stonington and eventually decided on Stonington, hoping for more wind on Friday for a sail to Block. We had to motor all the way, winds were only around 5 kts but we did have 2 to 3 kts of current most of the way, our GPS showed 9 to 10 kts of forward speed!

Ospreys love the nests prepared for them
 Stonington has expanded the area reserved for anchoring, marked out by buoys on the corners and we worked our way in much more than in the past - much better protected from swells. We read on Active Captain of a self-serve fish market and decided to try the place out. It seems that it's a wholesale store but they allow retain sales on an honor system with payment by cash or credit card. When I was there a person was in the area to help out (and probably to ensure honesty) and the prices were outstanding. They had 8oz steaks of tuna for $5! They had local cod, scallops, crab cakes and flounder - all priced much lower than in a supermarket and they looked much better. Plus, they were all frozen and sealed, ideal for storage in a boat's freezer. I bought a bunch!

Tonight we will enjoy the anchorage and see what tomorrow brings. We'd like to sail to Block and not have to motor, we'll see.

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