Cruising Tips

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Port Jefferson - At anchor

Hey, there's a 5 mph speed limit here!
As it turned out, our freezer wasn't fixed after all. The technician did a recharge but it was no better than before. What's required is a pump down overnight to get rid of all residual moisture and anything else preventing good operation. We'll have that done after we return to PYC and then leave it running for several weeks to be sure it's okay before out trip south in September. Currently it's holding at only 29 F.

We were able to sail over part way to Port Jefferson but the wind was only 6 kts so we motored most of the way. There are twelve boats in the anchorage (to starboard after passing through the inlet) which is not crowded at that number, lots of room. Hoolie relief is nearby so it's a perfect anchorage for us.

Always a nice sunset at PJ

Coming through the inlet, we were chased down by the ferry. There's supposed to be a 5 mph speed limit that applies to ferries too - but he ignored the speed limit as he passed us to port - he's rather large! We got out of his way...

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