Cruising Tips

Monday, July 4, 2011

Branford - Last day at a dock

The water gets shallow at low tide
At least we got rid of the cloudy day and raining weather. It's sunny and warm, perfect for the excellent pool at Bruce and Johnson (for three grandkids). When cruising, you just have to do laundry once a week, even on the 4th of July - dull I know but a fact of life on the water.

Still pretty here
Matthew decided to leave Fleetwing with his parents so we're alone for the first time on our cruise this summer. We're heading east and will see what the weather brings. Tuesday will be a stopover at North Cove on the Connecticut River on the way to Block Island and perhaps to Cuttyhunk. Meanwhile, I bought a 6 foot length of 3/4 inch hose for further battle with my genset on increased cooling water flow - the battle continues....

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