Cruising Tips

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Baltimore – We go for a sail

This guy was all over the bay vacuuming up surface debris
Today was supposed to not be a good day with rain and thunderstorms but it turned out much better than predicted. One of the things we missed on our cruise up and down the ICW was visiting with family. To some extent, we’ve been able to visit along the way and that has helped a lot. This weekend it was with Carrie and family. Philip and family visited us while we were in Key West.

Typical "big ships" in the bay
We did take the boat out for an afternoon sail, not much wind but still fun with everybody aboard. There wasn’t a drop of rain until after everybody had left, convenient of the weather to humor us that way. I’m sure we’ll be asked to pay up on that in the future. At our present rate of progress, we’ll be back at PYC by the first week of June, perhaps earlier if the weather holds but we’re not counting on it.

We plan to make Chesapeake City on Tuesday if we can avoid the predicted rain and thunderstorms, not so far if we’re hit with them.

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