Cruising Tips

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

-Steamboat Creek – At anchor

The octagonal house is a landmark for the anchorage (middle of photo)
We hadn’t intend to go this far but it was a sunny day, the water was flat and the tides were such that the mot difficult section of the ICW was coming upon us at high tide. With that we decided to push on and we wound up at the Steamboat Creek anchorage. It’s another anchorage tailor made for boats with a dog aboard since it has a public dock for dog relief – no trampling through the marshes.

Perfect for Hoolie relief
However, the gnats are upon us! They are truly out in force this time of the year. A white shirt will turn black with them after a few minutes and do they ever know how to bite! We retired down below shortly after being attacked en-mass when taking Hoolie ashore tonight.

Other than with the gnats, the anchorage is very peaceful and scenic. We’ll leave in the morning for Charleston for a couple of days before starting north again

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