Cruising Tips

Monday, March 28, 2011

Titusville City Marina – at a dock

Rained solid all day long
The rain started at 5:00 am and we wondered whether we could get Hoolie ashore or not without getting wet. However, at 9:00 the rain subsided long enough to make a quick trip into shore. In a flash we were done and headed back to the boat. With the rain and the prediction of more rain during the day we considered staying at the anchorage but the location was not good. It’s okay in settled weather but not when there’s any wind blowing.

We hauled anchor and headed north and the rain caught up to us about an hour later. Showers are not a problem but a constant rain is not fun. Looking at the weather radar over the internet showed the rain continuing all day long at least. With that we cut short our intended 50 mile run and tucked into the Titusville City Marina to wait out the bad weather. As always, weather is king when you’re traveling on the water. We could have made the 50 miles with our radar, chartplotter and full enclosure (in shirt sleeves) but why do it? We’d much rather make the trip with sunny skies. We may be here tomorrow too, depends on the weather. Meanwhile, we’ll catch up on our reading.

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