Cruising Tips

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Marathon – Still here

"thought I would pick up a bottle of wine for dinner..."
We had intended leaving today but upon looking at the weather radar, there looked to be a strong line of thunderstorms off to the west which were headed east. From their speed it appeared that they would have reached us about half way to our anchorage. Since we’re in no particular hurry, we decided to stay another day and leave Monday instead.

As it turned out, the thunderstorms never reached us, they dissipated before Marathon. We’re used to northern weather where when you see a line of storms approaching, you can be pretty sure they will continue along their way to pay you a visit. Apparently, such is not the case along the keys, live and learn I guess. Meanwhile, we did laundry and rewatered the boat so everything is done for the trip north.

Although Marathon is the poor cousin of Key West, it’s not that poor. I walked in the local deli and saw a stack of Opus 1 cases causally stacked in the corner next to the freezer. Opus One is wine that goes for $159.99 a bottle. The supermarkets in Florida are also allowed to sell wine and the local Publix had a section above the cheese case of wines prices from $100 to $200/bottle. So I suppose there must be a clientele that ensures the stores are not overstocked with such wines, yours truly is not among that clientele! For me, box wine is fine with an occasional bottle of $10 “good stuff” to remind me of the better life, oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Following your blogs.......we are in Palm Coast near Daytona where all the bikers are for Bike Week!

