Cruising Tips

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hobe Sound – At anchor

At anchor in Hobe Sound
We navigated through 12 bridges today and made all of them, just barely. A couple of bridge operators held their bridge open for us even though we were 5 minutes late, nice people. However, you can’t relax, you’re always pushing (as much as a sailboat ever pushes… - rev it up, there! I got another ½ knot!) The weather continues to be fabulous with highs near 80 and full sun with no rain and little wind.

A deserted, sandy beach provided for Hoolie relief

Today was not without it’s own brand of excitement. We got off course at one point, only a few feet but came to an abrupt halt. Looking at the chart, deeper water was off the port side so I swung the wheel hard to the left and gunned the engine and we skidded off to deeper water. Crisis avoided. The ICW is very narrow in places.

As is our procedure of late, when anchoring we head towards shore and drop the hook when the depth sounder reads 6 ft at low water (paying attention to the height of the tide at the time). We are usually the boat in the anchorage way closer to shore than anyone else. For us this is good since it shortens the trips for Hoolie relief,. Hobe Sound has a sandy beach on the western shore almost all along its entire length so it’s very convenient for a boat with a dog aboard. On Thursday it’s off to Hinckley in Stuart

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