Cruising Tips

Monday, February 28, 2011

Key West – Last day

The restaurant is nestled in among the palm trees
To celebrate our stay at Key West, we took the Westin shuttle to Sunset Key, their private island, for lunch. The shuttle is free, you just have to make reservations in advance and get a shuttle pass at the reception area at Westin.

The restaurant is located right on the beach where the shuttle docks and the view is gorgeous. With the palm trees, white sand and turquoise water – it’s the picture of a Caribbean island. The food was excellent but the service could have been better. Prices ran about 40% more than at Key West but it’s a great once in awhile experience.

View of the beach in front of the restaurant
After lunch we wandered around the island. Everything is first rate and the grounds are beautiful with flowers everywhere. The shuttle runs every ½ hour so whenever you’re ready, you can catch a shuttle back. By this time it was getting hot with the temperature around 80 so we stopped at a few air-conditioned shops along the way to the boat.

Tuesday we start our return trip north. It’s hard to believe we’ve been here a whole month! We plan on winding up in Newfound Harbor Tuesday night and then move on to Marathon. We’ll move north with the warm weather so it’ll be a slow advance we think. Our thinking now is to arrive back at PYC around the beginning of June (or later if the weather is cool),.


  1. Bob and Ann,
    Still down here in Puerto Adventuras waiting for you. Maybe next year. The Christmas winds are still blowing and the flowers here are anti congestion. Have a safe trip up North. Marty H

  2. You all seem to have had a wonderful time down there. I've certainly enjoyed reading about all the old familiar places. Safe travels!
