Cruising Tips

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Palm Beach Yachting Center – Day 2, visits from PYC

Scott Clark, Joe Mastri and Jerry Movall of PYC

Got a call this morning from Poughkeepsie Yacht Club members who had driven down for the winter, Scott Clark and Jerry Movall. They joined us along with Joe Mastri who also dropped by for a chat.
Today was reprovisioning day so Joe took us to a local Publix supermarket for food and a Kmart for a lifejacket for Matthew. Retiring to Joe’s place for the afternoon, Matthew tried out his new snorkel and fins in the condo swimming pool which worked perfectly. He spent more time under the water than above it. A dinner with Joe in his apartment with a rotisserie chicken completed the evening.

Testing the snorkeling equipment
It’s a calm evening tonight, clear skies with stars out. Getting out of this marina might present a challenge due to the tight quarters. Hopefully, we can remember to take off all the lines and bring in the fenders before leaving! One of these days we’ll make a checklist to post on the binnacle!

By the way, we had posted a photo of a Nonsuch boat on yesterday’s blog which left the dock this morning. Later we saw the same boat being towed back to the marina. He didn’t get very far and we never found out his problem. He’s still here tonight.


  1. Are you sure that boys water proof?
    Your lucky to go swimming but we get to make you all.

  2. that is a great pic with scott, jerry and joe. kinda reminds me of back in ny. glad to see you have an extra hand for the trip as i will be heading back to ny for a week, in about a week and will be unable to visit, much to our dismay. remember to call on the way back north. good luck jack and kay
