Cruising Tips

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Newfound Harbor at anchor

A nearby deserted island - perfect for Hoolie relief
 We had hoped for 10 to 15 kts out of the northeast but got 5 kts instead so we had to motor the way to Newfound Harbor, about 20 nm away from Marathon. There is a marine park with moorings for snorkeling just outside the harbor entrance but when we approached the mooring buoys they appeared to be right on top of the coral so we backed off given our 5 ft draft and went on to our anchorage inside the harbor.

We had looked at local recommendations for places to anchor and chose to drop the hook right off a local island favorite that was not in the charts as an anchorage. It’s a great place since it has a sandy beach for Hoolie and 7 ft depths for us but you have to find your way in following the charts carefully since there’s lots of shoal water on either side of the anchorage.

Outward Bound - even down here
For the first time since Maine we saw an Outward Bound boat. There were eight in the boat and they typically go out for a week at a time with a lot of team building events, sleeping in the boat at night. The boats are recognizable with their two masts and pointed ends.

The island got in the way of our "green flash"
We were hoping the sun would set over the ocean to give us a chance to see the “green flash” but there turned out to be an island in the way, too bad – it was still pretty. It’s dead quiet now and hopefully it’ll stay that way for the night.

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