Cruising Tips

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Marathon – We explore the harbor

When I get up, Hoolie claims a spot and snuggles in
The high winds of last night abated by noon but we did have a low of 51 this morning! What is not appreciated by people not familiar with the Florida climate (including me before now) is the amount of warm up that occurs during the day. When a severe cold front passes through Florida you will always hear about the low in the morning but never the high during the afternoon. We ran the genset to power the A/C for warming up the cabin and then let the sun do the rest with the enclosure. It was 70 in the cockpit by breakfast time and it quickly climbed into the 80’s (it was 85 at 4:00 pm and 70 outside).

With the warm weather, we took the dinghy for a spin around the harbor which is much bigger than we thought, miles long. Even with 220 moorings, there is still room to drop an anchor if desired. There are lots of private docks too, many for rent.

Wine at 5:00 with a sunset for entertainment, what more to want?

Meanwhile, our 6 webcams we have around the house has kept us up to date on the storms. We have plow service from Paul and so far I’ve counted 4 plow-outs since 12/30, a record for us. Another one will probably be due Tuesday.

I’m becoming more and more fond of cruising. Sure there are tight moments with shallow water and sometimes some strong winds and waves, but you visit a variety of areas and meet very pleasant people along the way. It’s been a joy with Matthew, you get to see the world through a 13 year old eyes, we’ve forgotten how that was, it was so long ago.

1 comment:

  1. Bob and Ann,
    Glad you have arrived at your destination and are enjoying the surroundings via Matt and the dingy.
    Marcia and I are visiting brother Jim here in Naples and leaving for Cancun this Friday. Saw a great sign on back of a RV on the way down: "WINTER IS OPTIONAL" Well with the snow and cold up North I'll take the warm.Marty
