Cruising Tips

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Marathon at a mooring

We have our wine at 5:00 and watch the sunset - nice
We’re going to be here for awhile. I already bought a one week ticket and we’ll probably stay a few more days before moving on to Newfound Harbor as our last stop before sailing into Key West and our dock there for February. Downtown Marathon is not like Key West. It’s just a road (Route 1) with a few strip malls on either side. There is a huge Home Depot and Publix for getting supplies and that’s good but it has no character like Key West. However, the marina itself is very nice and caters to the boating community. It’s the first marina I’ve ever been in that has enough dockage for dinghies! Even with over 200 boats on the moorings, there’s enough dinghy space without having to double up like at Block Island.

With the highs continuing to be in the low 80’s, we’re in no hurry to move on. Matthew went for a swim off the back of the boat and on Friday we’ll go to the nearby ocean beach, we can dink over. Some people spend the entire winter here, the price is right at $275/month but we would rather be at Key West.

There’s a whole community here with daily “things to do”. There a local cruisers’ net every morning at 9:00 where people announce their arrival and departures followed by sponsored events of the day. All the events are free and usually provided by one of the boaters. This morning was a Yoga class and later there was to be an art class, etc. There are covered dish suppers and all sorts of activities. It’s like summer camp for adults. A couple from Canada stopped by today to chat for awhile. There’re headed for Cuba and then Key West. We’ll stick with the USA for now.


  1. I have read every day's episode and find it wonderful. Sounds like you have made a very successful trip getting to the keys......never realized how challenging it would be. Enjoy the weather as we are cleaning up after our 6th storm and hearing about a nor'easter next Tuesday.

  2. I heard from Shirley that you all are headed to Key West and she asked me for any insider info I could share since we lived there for two years while my husband was stationed there in the Coast Guard. Shirley told me all about your trip and it sounds so wonderful. I have an almost-13-year-old who is extremely jealous! Especially since he was born in Key West but doesn't remember it at all. We left when he was still tiny. Shirley will send you the info I gave her...will be checking in to read about your adventures! Fair winds and following seas to you!
