Cruising Tips

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fort Lauderdale – Still here

Another day at the beach!
We awoke to wind in the rigging. It was blowing about 15 kts with gusts to 25 and combined with having to brave two inlets, we decided to stay an extra day. Of course, today was supposed to be calm but the weatherman was wrong as usual. Now he’s predicting calm conditions for Tuesday, we’ll see in the morning. It was hot today, the temps got close to 80 so in the afternoon we took a hike to the beach. Matthew rejoiced in the waves so much that we had to pry him out. Even though it was a Monday, the beach was still crowded. We chose a spot for Matthew that was right in front of a lifeguard station plus we stayed there too. There were about 2 foot waves coming in, enough for some fun but not too much.

Mooring field is right by the bridge

As you can see from the photo, the mooring field is right next to the bridge. We’re looking at the NOAA forecast for Fort Lauderdale, the marine forecast for the area and the prediction for surf height at Lauderdale and Miami. If the predictions continue to hold on Tuesday morning, we’ll take off early for Miami with an outside run to an anchorage there. I understand there’s been some snow up north and we’ll get the southern edge of the storm with some northerly winds later in the week which will depress the high temperatures for the day to the low 70’s. Oh well, we’ll endure the lower temps until it warms up again…

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