Cruising Tips

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Wahoo Creek – A Peaceful Anchorage

Peaceful Sunset
The wind was going to be out of the north so we opted for an anchorage with protection from that direction. It was a little further than we had first intended to go but it put us further towards Florida, besides, it was getting cold here with morning temps in the 40’s and even the 30’s predicted for Saturday night.

We had an uneventful trip south today given that we left on a high tide so the shallow spots held no fear for us, nice. There’s a lot of work to be done to keep the ICW navigable and funds are needed – surely “shovel ready” projects abound!

This anchorage is dismal for a dog at low tide but great at high tide. We brought Hoolie back from his afternoon romp with mud up to his legs. Later on when he went out for his before bedtime relief, the shore was all sand, ideal, such are things dog owners think about on a cruise. For the next week, we will have the high tides with us to help us over the low spots. We’re told that once we get into Florida, the ICW is better maintained, supplemented with state funds, we hope so.

The night outside is awesome! Stars right down to the horizon with the Milky Way visible across the entire sky! It’s moonless so the stars are just brilliant and there’s no lights to hinder the viewing – something you just can’t get close to civilization. We grilled steaks and ate inside with the heater going, great having a genset!

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