Cruising Tips

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hampton – A Day of Work

Boats Anchored Behind the Marina - There's Room!
 The weather is very nice, temps in the 70’s. However, we had to restock and do laundry and they were not nearby so we rented a car and set out in the morning. We did find a WalMart nearby which we used for both groceries and other needs for the boat. One thing we did add was a lock for the dinghy, a cable that reaches from the boat boarding handle to the dinghy. If we were to ever lose the dinghy, it would be a disaster for Hoolie (and us!) so we wanted some additional insurance. We got a lock for the motor too. I also fitted a seat for Ann at the helm station with a cushion and arm rests for the long motoring passages on the ICW.

Queensway Street with the Restaurants and Shops
 We researched other places to eat but finally wound up going back to The Taproom with its 36 brands of beers on tap. I had the Oktober Fest beer tonight, light and smooth. They really do have excellent sandwiches which is what we always get.

Friday is the big day, the arrival of the A/C technician. Recharging should be no problem, it’s the finding of the leak that may be challenging

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