Cruising Tips

Monday, October 4, 2010

Groan - Still At Mill Creek!!

Lousy Weather - Blog Time at Nav Station
Nobody went out today to test the waters, the forecast was once again for a small craft advisory and knowing yesterday’s results where everybody that left returned, nobody left for the open waters today. In the morning there was more rain but it finally stopped late afternoon.

Meanwhile, I turned on the A/C in reverse mode (heat) and didn’t get very much out of it. It acts as if it needs a recharge. I copied the error codes and sent them in to the technician that recharged the unit in Branford, we’ll see what results. I also discovered a small leak in the cabin under one of the shrouds that the 12.5 inches of rain found. I’ll need some RTV for that. For periods like this, you need to have good books or other hobbies to look forward to. We both are okay on that.

According to the weather forecasts, we will have a good three or four days starting on Tuesday to head south. I’m sure the anchorage will empty out quickly in the morning and we’ll be closely behind but not the first. We hope to be in Hampton, VA on Thursday for reprovisioning and laundry for a couple of days and explore the town.

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