Cruising Tips

Monday, October 18, 2010

2nd Day at Anchored at the Zeisings

Speeding to Breakfast - Zeising's House in Background
You can tell we’re not headed south with any sort of haste. We’re just visiting friends on the way south and we’ll make a few more stops further along, we’re in no rush. I swore off schedules when I retired!

The weather here is very pleasant, in the 70’s with full sun so we’re basking in the warm air. Some time in the near future, we’ll start up again, probably on Thursday morning but who knows, plans change.

People around here do a lot of fishing. You’ll see runabouts all over the creek, sitting in the sun (no shade) most of the day with a fishing pole in the water, day after day. It’s not my cup of tea but it’s what a lot of people do along the creeks here. Bill, who we’re visiting, fishes off his dock and has his own sport boat with a 50hp motor that he uses on the water. Pat catches crabs off her dock and her crab cakes are like nothing you ever get in a restaurant because they are practically all crab, no fillers!

Fishing off the Deck
 So we're visiting, eating well, playing bridge, enjoying the weather and having a good time. I do have a problem with my internet connection in that I can’t get it on my boat and have to wait until morning when I can use Bill’s computer to send out my blog. Other than that, it’s hard to think of a better place to be at this time of year, such is our cruise down the ICW.

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