Cruising Tips

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Atlantic City – Waiting for Swells from Igor to Subside

The swells from Igor are still building and aren’t due to peak until Monday but are predicted to subside by Wednesday when we plan on leaving for Cape May. All during the day the ocean racers tested their boats by opening up in the flat waters of the bay we were anchored in. A little rocky but it was quite a sight with the roar of the engines and the roster tails speeding along. Sunday is the day of the great ocean race in the middle of 11 foot swells, ought to be interesting.

We explored in the ding today and found that Atlantic City is full of small inlets, all lined with houses and also host to an extensive fishing fleet which I wasn’t aware of. The weather, with the exception of the swell, continues to be spectacular with temps in the 70’s everyday and no rain. I’d rather be continuing down south but Igor disagrees so we’ll sit until he says it’s okay. Sunday we’ll return to the marina and take a jitney to the boardwalk to see the race and the 11 foot swells. Meanwhile, we enjoy a unique view of Atlantic City at night from our anchorage.

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