Cruising Tips

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Atlantic City – 30 kt Winds and Building Waves

A front not associated with Igor is coming through today and tonight. The 30 kt winds already has the ocean stirred up as you can see in the photo. It’s a very good thing that we decided to stay in Atlantic City rather than trying to make a run for Cape May. Powering into 30 kt gusts and 3 to 5 foot waves is one thing but braving the inlet at Cape May which happens to face the direction of the wind and waves is quite another. We’ll sit it out.

On the link Atlantic City Wave Prediction, you can see that the swells from Igor are predicted to peak around Sunday and, as luck would have it, that’s the day of the off-shore powerboat race hosted by Trump Marina. We talked to the organizer of the race which was two slips down from us and he said they race regardless of the conditions with the one exception of fog. We were planning to anchor out the next two days and come back in Sunday when we can get our discounted price of $2.25/ft (which is not honored Friday or Saturday). We even got a voucher for a return visit of $2/ft which we’ll use Sunday and pay the $2.25/ft rate for the rest of the time. So we will have a front row seat at the boardwalk for the race, should be interesting with the swells.
I signed in for a Trump card and they still had the records from my last visit in 1997, I guess some data never dies, makes you wonder. At that time their buffet was excellent at $8.95 but the price has come up in the meantime to $16.95 and they no longer offer slices off a steamship roast. Nevertheless, it seemed a good deal but first I wanted to try my hand at the slots, risking all of $5, my limit. Ann and I took turns pulling the handle and something came up right (I have no idea what) and we won $33.50! With that we promptly stopped and cashed in our winnings, paying for all but $3 of our dinner tonight, not bad.

Hopefully the wind dies down some Friday so I can get out of my slip. The fairways are narrow and the wind is coming at me from the side, tough to get out. Meanwhile, we keep watching Igor and the swell report, you can’t fight Mother Nature!

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