Cruising Tips

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Northport to Manhasset – Bioluminescence at Northport!

Last night I forgot to let out the dinghy on the painter so I went out around 9:00 and when the line touched the water, it came alive with flashes of light! I’ve seen a few spots of light here and there before but never like this. Dropping the dinghy line into the water resulted in lights along the entire length of the line. We were on Vieques for a vacation one time and went to their world famous Bioluminescent Bay where the water glowed whenever it was touched. Well, last night Northport bay just to the east of the sand spit was like that. The water was alive with lights whenever it was touched. It helped that it was a moonless night and slightly overcast and where we anchored, there were no other lights around. It was beautiful. I’ve never seen the lights in the water like this before except at Vieques and perhaps it was partly due to the warm weather?

Once again we had no wind and the Sound was glassy smooth so on we motored to Manhasset and took one of the 10 free,yellow moorings put out by the Town of Hempstead. The moorings at a nearby yacht club were $60/day! After we picked up our mooring, we were passed by another member of PYC also on their way back from the Sound, Marty Silverstein. They picked up another of the free moorings and there were still four empty moorings left at the end of the day.

Thursday we make the trip through Hell Gate and we’re going to try something a little different. Rather than wait for slack tide to transit Hell Gate and encounter an ebb tide going up the Hudson, we’re going to leave two hours earlier and buck a 2 kt current through Hell Gate so we can start up the Hudson with the current with us for a couple of hours. At least that’s the plan, we’ll see how it works out Thursday.

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