Cruising Tips

Monday, July 26, 2010

Stonington Stopover

Well, we started out for Three Mile Harbor but the wind which was supposed to be out of the northwest was on the nose and it was gusting to 20 kts with short, choppy waves. We didn’t look forward to 35 miles of that so we turned north to Stonington and the wave action lessened as we approached shore. One reason we like Stonington is the easy access to Hoolie relief on the breakwater. There’s a small beach there which covers at high tide but is accessible at all other times.

We took Lord’s passage as usual which is shorter and easier than the more popular Watch Hill passage. Stonington now has a designated anchorage area which we saw for the first time on our last visit but once again we anchored outside the four markers. We thought it was too crowded. The wind kept gusting and hit 24 kts at one point but now it has settled down to only 5 kts. If it stays out of the northwest as predicted, we’ll try for Three Mile Harbor again on Tuesday.

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