Cruising Tips

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Greenport at the Mitchell Park Marina

Greenport built a marina a couple of years ago just for transits. No seasonal slips are rented out with the idea that they wanted to attract the tourist trade in boating. They saw a need since there were no marinas convenient to downtown. This one is sheltered from the wave action with a wooden pier breakwater that works pretty well. We have been getting 15 to 20 kt winds all day long with gusts to 25 kts and yet the water in the marina is calm, even with the ferry next door. However, the marina is sized for smaller boats. The alleyways are very narrow. We fit in but that was before the 25 kt gusts. Even the power boats are having trouble and several bounced off other boats in getting to their slip. Luckily, we are upwind of all the action but we have to leave Thursday and we’re hoping the wind dies off some. It would be a real challenge getting out of here with 25 kt gusts!! You can see how crowded things are from the photo.
On the way over we had perfect winds for a change and sailed all the way, at one time topping 8.3 kts through the water! The good thing about sailing in the Sound vs the river is that you have time to adjust the sails to get them just right before having to tack.

Later we had dinner at Claudio’s on the pier outside in the wind and watched the Wednesday night regatta sail by. We only saw one boat reefed! Everybody had everything up! We sure could see a lot of bottom paint. That can’t be good for fast sailing I wouldn’t think but all but one boat was flying everything.

Even as I write this tonight, the wind is still gusting to 25 kts! We’re calm and snug for the night and we have a mooring reserved for Thursday at the Shelter Island Yacht Club, just across the bay.

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