Cruising Tips

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Branford and Lenny's

There was not a breath of air in the morning, the water was as still as a mill pond and the heat had started in early, 85 by 8:00 am. With that we started out early for Branford, better with moving air than stagnant air even if it’s only from the movement of the boat. The Sound was glassy-smooth so we motored forth once again, more motoring than sailing this cruise thus far.
Branford has two great attractions: a first rate swimming pool for the kids and Lenny’s. We stayed at Bruce and Johnson Marina which has the pool and this time we had a ride to Lenny’s since Philip had his car parked there in advance. It hovered around 95 or so in the cockpit and even at 9:00 tonight we still have the A/C on, a record for us. However, Lenny’s was air conditioned and going full blast, it felt good. Even with all our traveling up and down the coast, we’ve found nothing that came close to Lenny’s frie4d clams (whole belly, not the sissy clam strips). It’s been reviewed in the New York Time\s food section and is Zagat rated. They have two people outside directing the traffic and post an outside sign on the wait time for a table, it’s a popular place. But arriving at 5:00, we got a table right away – at 6:00 it was full with a wait line. As usual, the meal was delicious.

Wednesday we’re headed further east, possibly Fisher Island to find a little cooler weather and then out to Block Island to further escape the heat. In past summers, we’ve been wearing windbreakers in Maine, what a change.

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