Cruising Tips

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Visit to the Botanical Gardens

The wind  roared last night out of the west with the result that the waves that crashed onto our snorkeling beach were even higher than yesterday. The boats moored out in front of the condo were violently rocking side to side as they oscillated with the waves. Part of the day's entertainment was watching people come in to the dock with their dinks and trying to get out safely with 2 to 3 foot waves coming through. We were concerned about one older couple when the wife couldn't get back into the dink for the ride back to their moored boat. A local helped her into his wooden boat and then transferred her to her husband's dink. They are out there right now, bouncing around in the waves as we are watching the Olympics.

With the surf too big for snorkeling, we paid a visit to the Dominica Botanical Gardens. They had beautiful specimens of the local plants and we enjoyed the visit. One thing to get used to is that many of the plants just grow larger in the tropical environment, larger than you'd expect. On the way back we discovered the best grocery store, the IGA in the middle of town, advice to anyone thinking of coming to Dominica.

Once again we're hoping for calmer weather on Wednesday. I heard over the news that Lagrangeville is getting hit with 6 to 12 inches of snow with another storm on the way Thursday! Nice being down here.

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