Cruising Tips

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Port Jefferson - Last of Summer

It was a beautiful day today, temperature in the high 70’s and lots of sunshine. We saw a common egret along the shore. Even when we took Hoolie ashore nearby, it didn’t fly away. I guess it’s used to having people and dogs around.

Since the UN was in session I thought I ought to call the Coast Guard about closings on the East River. I couldn’t find anything on their website so I called the main number for this region and found that yes, the East River was closed, both the west and east branches (under the bridge that has to be raised). For Wednesday the east branch was open but only from 1300 through 1500. You had to call ahead to get the bridge raised too. Other than that narrow window, you couldn’t traverse the East River at all! However, the UN does not hold sessions on the weekends so our Saturday departure through the East River is still okay.

Ann spent part of the day painting with watercolors. She sets up shop in the cockpit and paints the view from there. She only took watercolors along and not the pastels since the watercolors are much neater. The dust from the pastels is harder to control but we’ll try that on a future trip.
Thursday we’re headed for Northport and the Sand City anchorage. There’s supposed to be a high north wind that night and that anchorage offers good protection from that direction.

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