Cruising Tips

Friday, September 25, 2009

Manhasset - Coast Guard Cutter

The winds were predicted to pipe up in the afternoon so we got an early start after a quick trip for Hoolie relief. It was wind against tide on the trip out of Northport which made for a very rocky ride. However, as we rounded the corner and headed southeast, the winds were to our aft so we were pushed along rather nicely. The winds continued to build and we recorded a gust of 31 kts of true wind as we sailed to Manhasset!

As we approached Manhasset we saw a Coast Guard cutter stationed at the entrance. We heard them challenge a vessel that apparently intended to make the passage through Hell Gate. I guess some people just don’t turn on their VHF, hard to believe. I’ll bet there’ll be a ton of boats going through Saturday morning!

Later in the day we set in the cockpit and reflected on the summer’s fun. It is so hard to believe how quickly the summer passed. It’s our third year of going to Maine and we can’t wait until next year! It seems that time just keeps rolling along faster and faster. Remember when school let out and summer seemed to last forever, doesn’t seem that way anymore. I miss the slow times. Enjoy the present, everything else is a memory.

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