Cruising Tips

Monday, September 7, 2009

It was 57 in the cabin this morning so I ran the genset to power the heat portion of the A/C. By the time Ann got up it was nice and toasty in the cabin! Back at the Rockland boat show we had met a representative of Yankee Marina who had a Panda genset on display just like ours. Since our Panda hadn’t been serviced other than routine oil and coolant changes since we bought the boat in 2004 (other than the manatory 35 hour valve clearance adjustment), we decided to have Yankee Marina do the work. Of course, just next door is Freeport with all the shops that Ann likes to visit such as L.L. Bean and others. So with the boat being worked on, we’ll go next door and see what L.L. Bean is up to.

On the way out of Boothbay Harbor we passed a strange looking lighthouse, they come in all shapes and sizes in Maine. What wind there was came right on the nose so we just motored west. At least the seas were calm and we made our usual 7.3 kts.

Yankee Marina is located after a long trip up the Royal River. There is a dredged channel that’s supposed to be 8 feet a low but I saw 6 feet coming in after allowing for the tide height. You really have to watch your P’s and Q’s since the channel is very narrow, less than 30 feet in places! Once in the marina, I noticed a power boat across the way with the radar mounted at just the right height when the owner is at the wheel... (the white box right under the blue area). That's where the manual recommends!

Yankee Marina looks like a going outfit with a full service yard. I look forward to seeing Dana tomorrow, we’ve shared many calls and e-mails.

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