Cruising Tips

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gloucester - A Sunny Day

Today turned out much better than we expected. There were some light fog in the morning but it cleared before we set out around 9:00 am. Getting out of the dock we encountered the river current, about 3 kts! Due to the direction of the current, we had to make a 180 turn so we could approach the fuel dock against the current, quite exciting in the narrow channel but all went well. We use about 1.1 gallons per hour counting genset usage too.

There wasn’t much wind but the rollers were still present although only in the 3 to 4 ft range. We overheard the following conversation over the radio,
“Hey George, you sailing?”
“Nope, the wind is on the nose. That’s how I tell what direction I’m supposed to go”
Well, we motored since we had 35 miles to cover and no time to make use of the 5 kts of wind we had. Once we get to the Sound, we’ll take it easier.
Gloucester is a working harbor but the town does provide moorings at $25/’night for cruisers. We picked up our favorite one and were cheerfully greeted by the harbormaster, nice folks. On to Situate Monday.

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