Cruising Tips

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Boothbay Harbor - Saturday

It was supposed to be partly cloudy with a high of 70 but we actually got full sun with a high around 78, really nice weather we’re having now. Every Labor Day weekend Boothbay Harbor has a juried art show on Saturday so we went to take a look. It was a nice exhibit with watercolors, pastels, oils and photographs. Ann talked to one artist that said he had to submit examples of his work and if good enough, he would be invited to attend, so it’s not open to just anyone. The works were all technically proficient but I like Ann’s work better. A good or bad painting is all in the composition. Rarely do you see bad execution at this level. That said, I didn’t care for most of the compositions. Artists from all over Maine attended, not just from Boothbay.

After shopping for the kids we traversed the harbor to the Boothbay Lobster Wharf for our lobster roll which we always get at least one time when in Boothbay. Matthew! Take notice of Nana having a lobster roll at your favorite place! They were up to their usual standards. I offered to help Nana finish hers but she said she didn’t need any help…

Sufficiently refueled, we toured the harbor in the dinghy with Hoolie on display, we got lots of waves for Hoolie. There’s a local yacht club in a cove to the west of Boothbay. It’s very protected but they wanted $35/night for a mooring instead of the $26/night that Tugboat Inn charges. Plus, they’re way out in the boonies, it’s a long walk into town. We’ll stay with Tugboat Inn. On the way back, I got a better photo of the three masted ship that's under restoration at Boothbay. It's some sight seeing it up close. I imagine it will be a special day when it's finally launched!

We returned to the boat to watch the sunset and then took Hoolie ashore again. Such is life on a boat, not bad.

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