Cruising Tips

Monday, August 10, 2009

Seal Bay and Just a Great Day of Sailing!!

First things first, we had to do laundry and buy groceries and that used up the morning. Rockland is great for both but you need a car to reach either one. However, the wind kept building and when we left around 11:00 the wind was 10 to 15 kts out of the southwest, perfect for a sail through the Fox Island Thorofare and on to Seal Bay. With a southwest wind you can usually make it all the way through the thorofare under sail although at times you may be drifting a little due to wind shadows from the surrounding hills. Still, today we made it all the way. The sail is always fun due to the varying sailing conditions, the avoidance required to miss all the lobster traps (ha), the views of all the other boats moored on either side and usually a windjammer or two. Today was full sun and warm and just perfect.

On the way in we saw a large lobster boat towing what appeared to be a dock. He wasn’t making much headway, we passed him while under sail at 4 kts. I guess it makes sense, it’s how they transport docks in Maine but it sure wasn’t very efficient. We’re headed east tomorrow and want to wind up in Southwest harbor by Mt Desert by Wednesday if possible. The weather rules in Maine.

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