Cruising Tips

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Holbrook Harbor

We awoke to no fog!! In addition to that, we had a 15 kt wind out of the southwest, a great direction for sailing. Given the wind and lack of fog, we decided to go up Eggemoggin Reach which would give us a broad reach with a southwest wind. So out we set around 9:00 and had a wonderful sail to Billings Diesel for diesel and water and ice. Onward to Eggemoggin Reach, the scene of the unfortunate situation where we picked up a lobster line previously. This time we managed to miss all the traps laid by the lobstermen and sailed right through. Unfortunately, about ½ way through the reach, the wind died and he had to motor the rest of the way.

We turned the corner out of the reach and found a thunderstorm ahead of us on the way to Holbrook Harbor. We raced on but lost out to the thunderstorm while entering the harbor. The winds peaked out at 31 kts and we couldn’t see anything. Leathem was stationed with part of the windshield unzipped so he at least could see something and we forged ahead. Once in the harbor, I turned into the wind and waited until the storm abated. After a bit, we anchored in our usual spot and the wind died completely, not a breath of wind, nothing. We had hoped for some to drive the mosquitoes away but there’s nothing even now. However, the sunset was gorgeous, one of the few we’ve seen this summer,. We grilled hamburgers and watched the colors in the western sky as it grew dark.

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