Cruising Tips

Friday, August 8, 2008

Northeast Harbor - Rain and Fog

The sun came up in Mackerel Cove but it was only a teaser, the fog followed shortly, especially as we neared Mt Desert. I had started the genset to warm the cabin from the 55F temperatures but as we motored to Northeast Harbor, we were bundled up again but the enclosure did help keep the worst of the cold at bay, There were two flotillas due in Northeast so we were a little concerned about getting a mooring and as it turned out, we got the last one at 11:30 am! It rained most of the day, not good for exploring the area. We had wanted to dink over to Asticou Gardens but it was not to be with all the rain, maybe next time. However, I did get the blog updated and conducted a lot of business over the internet.
We celebrated Richard's last day with us with a dinner at Dockside which I would recommend. We had the lobster roll and Richard had the complete shore dinner (lobster, corn, salad, steamed clams, etc.) As I write this it's pouring outside, oh well...

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