Cruising Tips

Monday, August 18, 2008

Carver Cove

It was another cloudless day with wind in Maine, warm too. The wind was out of the west so we motored to Billings Marine to refuel and refill with water. They have good water but we still put it through the carbon filter on the way to the tanks. For drinking water, we use water out of the tanks after further filtration through a Seagull filter advertised to even remove bacteria. It's better than bottled water.

In this particular part of the bay, the currents are such that the lobster pots with their toggles lie at right angles to our path of travel so you have to be particularly careful in avoiding them. The toggles can be up to 60 to 80 feet from their buoy with the line connecting them stretched taunt, depending upon the current. If you go between them, you'll catch the line on your rudder. We've caught several but they've always come off so far. Our prop is the folding type so at least when we're sailing, it's folded out of the way.

Once clear of Billings Marine, we set sail for Carver Cove with a steady southwest wind of around 10 kts. There were at least a dozen sailboats out enjoying the weather, just beautiful. Winds up to 20 kts are predicted for tonight out of the southwest but Carver Cove is protected very well from that direction. Tomorrow we head for Rockland to pick up the Mehaffeys.

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